Aug 11, 2009

Report Card for the Center for Community Change: A+

The Center for Community Change fights for issues ranging from things as simple as viewing your community as, well, a community to fair immigration reform.

So, with fighting for many issues, one may wonder how they’ve managed to help ensure that almost 4.5 million children (including immigrant children) have health insurance and that 1 million children were kept out of poverty. The answer is simple. Every initiative they embark on relates back to one very common value: community. They outline how the community, whether it’s a national, global or local community, will be affected by certain issues and ask that people don’t just think about themselves, but think about the greater good.

As shown in the video above, their main goal is to get people to think about the people that surround them as their community. It may sound silly, but when you think about it, like in the Philippines, how often have you genuinely offered to help a neighbor move, without them asking for help? In America, it’s often the case that we get wrapped up in our own lives and forget about helping the people within our community, especially those that we don’t know well.

We all can agree that respect, efficiency, collaboration and kindness are all values that the majority of people can relate to—and that’s why attaching the value of community to these issues is so effective.

And for these reasons, the Center for Community Change gets a gold star.

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