Jun 9, 2009

If they just knew one

Kleenex anyone?

In addition, the Washington Examiner, among many other news sources, recently reported that Dick Cheney supports gay marriage. However, he believes that it is up to the states to make that become a reality. He stated, at the National Press Club, that his daughter, Mary, is a lesbian and that she and her partner had a son.

“"I look at it, obviously, in personal terms," Cheney said. "And my daughter, Mary, is in a, you know, I think a very commendable relationship with somebody she's known for a long time, and I'm strongly supportive of that."

Both Jerry Sanders and Dick Cheney, Republicans, have reversed their views and/or gone against their party’s views on gay marriage. The simple reason why is because they both had people in their lives that they were close to that were a part of the LGBT community. I truly believe, just as Harvey Milk did, that so many more people would be much more supportive if they just took the time to get to know one of us, and Dick Cheney and Mayor Jerry Sanders are proof of that.

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