Aug 31, 2009

Same-sex marriage: it’s only a matter of time

In this video, folk rock singer Jill Sobule speaks about her experiences during the Prop 8 rallies in California. I can tell that Jill has a true Unite and Conquer spirit. She mentions that so many of the people that were against the very thing she stands for are, in fact, very nice people.

And since same-sex marriage is often met with opposition due to religious reasons, most of the opposition isn’t looking to start a fight. When someone is against something you are incredibly passionate about and something that deeply affects your life it is really hard not to get upset and angry.

At times like that, it is critical to keep your anger in check and instead of fighting with these people, start talking to them in a friendly way. Start talking to them about the values behind the issue, such as equality and compassion.

1 comment:

  1. Kyrsten,
    I appreciate you posting this video. As a straight, white, male satanist I completely and fully support the gay community in their pursuit of happiness. So much as they're not asking for special treatment, but rather equal treatment. Even though you oppose such acts, by posting this on your site you've excited my interest in reading your book.
